The Importance of Correct Tyre Pressure on Kids’ Bikes

Hey Guys, Chris here ✌🏼

If you’ve ever found yourself trying to pump up a bike tyre while simultaneously wrangling a wiggly toddler, you know that getting your kids’ bikes ready for a ride can sometimes feel like a comedy of errors.

But fear not, we’re here to chat about one of the most important (and often overlooked) aspects of bike maintenance: tyre pressure.

Whether your kids are hitting the BMX park, tackling mountain trails, or enjoying a leisurely ride, keeping those tyres properly inflated can make all the difference.

All bicycle tires have a suggested range of pressure that can be found on the sidewall of the tire. Kids mountain bike tires will have lower recommended pressure and kids road racing bicycle tires will have higher suggested pressure. In between lies most kids pedal bikes tires made for riding around the streets and off-road use. For kids, we often find ourselves outside these suggested ranges on the low side due to lower rider weights.

Why Tyre Pressure Matters

First things first, let’s talk about why tyre pressure is so crucial. Properly inflated tyres ensure a smoother, safer, and more enjoyable ride for your little ones. Here’s how:

1. Safety: Simply, under-inflated or over-inflated tyres can lead to accidents. Too soft, and the tyres can pinch flat or make handling unpredictable. Too hard, and the ride becomes harsh and bumpy, increasing the risk of losing control.

2. Performance: Correct tyre pressure optimises performance. It provides better traction, reduces rolling resistance, and makes it easier for kids to pedal, especially on different terrains.

3. Comfort: Properly inflated tyres absorb shocks and bumps better, making the ride more comfortable for your child. This is especially important for longer rides or rougher trails.

4. Durability: Maintaining the right tyre pressure can extend the life of the tyres. Over time, under inflated tyres can suffer from increased wear and tear, leading to more frequent replacements.

Do Different Disciplines Need Different Pressures?

Now, let’s dive into the specifics of how tyre pressure can vary depending on the type of cycling your kids are doing. From BMX racing to mountain biking to leisurely park rides, each discipline has its own ideal pressure range.


BMX riding is all about speed, agility, and control. Proper tyre pressure is essential to handle the jumps, turns, and sprints typical of BMX tracks.

- Pressure Range: Generally, BMX tyres should be inflated to around 70-80 PSI (pounds per square inch). However, this can vary based on the track conditions and your child’s preference.
- Ti-GO Tip: Higher pressure reduces rolling resistance and increases speed, but if the track is particularly rough or loose, slightly lower pressure can provide better grip and control.

Mountain Biking

Mountain biking involves varied terrain, from smooth trails to rocky paths. Tyre pressure here needs to strike a balance between traction and shock absorption.

- Pressure Range: Mountain bike tyres typically require lower pressure, around 25-35 PSI. Again, this can vary based on the terrain and the bike’s tyre width.
- Ti-GO Tip: Lower pressure offers better traction and cushioning on rough trails, but be careful not to go too low, as it increases the risk of pinch flats and handling issues.

Leisure Cycling

For casual rides around the streets or in the park, comfort and ease of pedalling are key. Tyre pressure for leisure cycling tends to fall somewhere in between BMX and mountain biking pressures.

- Pressure Range: Leisure bike tyres usually need around 40-65 PSI. The exact pressure can depend on the tyre size and the rider’s weight.
- Ti-GO Tip: Aim for a pressure that provides a comfortable ride without making it too difficult for your child to pedal.

The Challenge of Checking Tyre Pressure

As parents, we know how chaotic it can be to get everything ready for a bike ride. Here are some humorous (and hopefully helpful) tips for checking and maintaining tyre pressure in the midst of the pre-ride rush.

The Morning Mayhem

Picture this: It’s Saturday morning, the sun is shining, and your kids are bouncing off the walls, eager to go for a bike ride. You’ve got one hand on the tyre pump, one eye on the clock, and about three seconds of patience left. Sound familiar?

- Ti-GO Tip: Keep a mini tyre pump with a pressure gauge handy in your garage or car. Having the right tools within reach can save you precious time and sanity. BUT make sure it’s the correct valve fitting! 

The Distraction Dance

Trying to check tyre pressure while your child is peppering you with questions about where they left their favourite toy or whether they can bring a snack on the ride can be a real test of multitasking.

- Ti-GO Tip: Turn it into a game. Let your child be the “official tyre pressure checker” with a simple gauge. It keeps them involved and gives you a moment of peace to get the job done. They have to tell you when you reach the correct number.

The Forgetful Frenzy

Let’s be honest, we’ve all set out on a ride only to realise halfway down the street that someone’s tyres feel more like marshmallows than they should.

- Ti-GO Tip: Make checking tyre pressure part of your regular pre-ride checklist. A quick squeeze of the tyres before you head out the door can save you a lot of hassle later.

Our Family’s Tyre Pressure Tales

As a family that loves cycling, we’ve had our fair share of tyre pressure mishaps. There was the time we set out for a mountain bike adventure only to discover one bike had completely flat tyres due to a burst tire wall. We searched high and low for a replacement tube, every shop close by, then ended up using a Ti-GO Business Card to patch the hole in the tyre until we were finished!

Through it all, we’ve learned the importance of taking a few extra minutes to ensure those tyres are properly inflated. It’s a small step that can make a big difference in the quality of the ride.

Tools of the Trade

Having the right tools can make tyre maintenance much easier. Here are a few essentials:

1. Tyre Pump: A good quality pump with a pressure gauge is a must. Whether it’s a floor pump for home use or a compact hand pump for on-the-go, having one you trust is key.

2. Pressure Gauge: While many pumps have built-in gauges, a separate pressure gauge can be more accurate and easier to use.

3. Patch Kit (Business Card Optional): For those inevitable punctures, a patch kit is a lifesaver. Teaching your kids how to patch a tyre is a great skill that can give them confidence and independence.

4. Spare Tubes: Keeping a few spare inner tubes on hand can save a ride from ending prematurely. Make sure you have the correct size for your kids’ bikes. You can check this on the side of the tyre (12" / 14" / 16" / 18" / 20" / 24" etc)

Final Thoughts

Keeping your kids’ bike tyres at the correct pressure might seem like a small detail, but it’s one that can have a big impact on their safety, comfort, and enjoyment. By taking a few extra minutes to check and maintain tyre pressure, you can ensure smoother rides and happier cyclists.

So next time you’re gearing up for a family bike ride, don’t forget to give those tyres a squeeze. It’s a simple step that can make all the difference in turning a good ride into a great one. Here’s to many more happy, safe, and well-inflated adventures on two wheels!

Happy cycling, friends and don’t forget to use the code BLOG5 for a little discount on us 🧡 


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