Ti-GO Kids Bedtime Story

The Adventures of Dash: A Two-Wheeled Tale


“Alright, Dash,” said Mum as she tucked them into bed, fluffing the pillow just the way they liked it. “Tonight, I’m going to tell you the story of another little kid named Dash. Just like you. Except this Dash was about to have the greatest cycling day ever.

Dash’s eyes lit up. “Did they have a cool bike like mine?”

“Oh, cooler,” Mum teased, raising an eyebrow. “This Dash had a bike so slick, it practically rode itself!.”

“Alright, I’m listening,” Dash said, snuggling under the blanket.

Mum grinned. “Well, it all started early one morning, when Dash woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside the window. They jumped out of bed, ate down some delicious pancakes, and told Mum & Dad, ‘Today, I’m going to ride my bike everywhere!’

Both parents exchanged a look. ‘Everywhere?’ asked Dad.

‘Yes! Everywhere!’ Dash declared. And with that, Dash grabbed a helmet, the trusty bike, Ti-GO Pads, Gloves and a backpack stuffed with yummy snacks.”

“What kind of snacks?” Dash interrupted.

“Granola bars, bananas, and little sweeties in a blue packet....” Mum said matter-of-factly.

Dash nodded. “Good choices.”

Mum continued. “The first stop on his big biking day was the mountain trails just outside of town. Dash peddled through winding dirt paths surrounded by tall trees. The air smelled like pine and adventure.

As they climbed higher, something caught their eye—a flash of white darting through the bushes. Dash skidded to a stop.

‘What was that?’ Dash wondered out loud. They crouched down and peeked into the bushes. And there it was…a rabbit! But not just any rabbit—a rabbit with one ear standing up and the other flopping down. 

‘Hey there, buddy!’ Dash said. The rabbit twitched its nose and stared for a moment, gave a little wink before hopping away.

Dash jumped back on the waiting bike and kept riding. The trail got steeper, but Dash peddled harder, determined to make it to the top of the hill. And when they did, wow, what a view! They could see the whole valley spread out below, sparkling like a green quilt.

Suddenly, there was a rustling sound above. Dash looked up just in time to see a squirrel holding a huge acorn. ‘Don’t drop that!’ Dash called out.

The squirrel, startled, did exactly what Dash told it not to do. The acorn tumbled through the air. Dash leaned forward on his bike, reached out, and—POW!—caught the acorn just before it hit the ground.

‘Nice save!’ Dash yelled to himself, tossing the acorn back to the squirrel. The squirrel chattered something that probably meant, ‘Thanks, kid!’

After an amazing morning of wildlife encounters, Dash’s stomach started to growl. They found a shady spot near a little stream and pulled out the snacks. First they munched on a granola bar while dipping toes into the cool water.

‘Ahhh, this is the life,’ Dash said, leaning back on a rock.

But Dash wasn’t done for the day. Oh no. After lunch, it was time for the real fun to begin.”

Dash’s eyes widened. “What’s better than mountain biking?”

Mum leaned closer. “The BMX park.”

Dash gasped. “The BMX park? No way!”

“Oh yes,” Mum said, grinning. “Dash peddled all the way to the local BMX park, where the ramps and jumps were waiting for them. When they got there, a few other kids were already practicing their tricks. 

‘Hey, new kid!’ one of them called. ‘You here to ride?’

 ‘You bet!’ Dash said, heart pounding with excitement.

Dash rolled up to the first jump. It was small—perfect for warming up. And peddled as fast as possible, hit the ramp, and—WHOOSH!—sailed through the air for about half a second before landing smoothly.

‘Nice one!’ another kid said.

 Dash grinned. ‘Thanks! Watch this!’

 Lining up for the next jump, which was a little bigger. This time, when hitting the ramp and pulling up on the handlebars and tried to do a trick. Spinning the front wheel sideways in the air before landing.

‘Whoa! That was sick!’ shouted one of the kids.

Dash felt like a BMX pro. They spent the afternoon zooming around the track, practicing tricks and even racing some of the other kids. They tried wheelies (sometimes they worked, sometimes they didn’t). They tried bunny hops (which were surprisingly hard). But the favourite was the tabletop jump, where they all flew so high it felt like they could touch the clouds.

The best part? They didn’t care if they messed up or fell off the bike. They just laughed, dusted themselves off, and tried again.

By the time the sun started to set, Dash was sweaty, tired, and covered in dirt—but couldn’t stop smiling.

‘I think I’ll call this my Best Biking Day Ever,’ Dash said as riding home.

When they got back, Mum and Dad were waiting on the porch. ‘How was your ride?’ Mum asked.

Dash gave them a big thumbs-up. ‘Epic.’

And that night, as Dash drifted off to sleep, dreaming about more biking adventures—maybe through deserts or jungles or even outer space. Because when you’ve got two wheels and a little imagination, the possibilities are endless.”

Mum paused, looking at her Dash. “And that’s the story of Dash’s Best Biking Day Ever.”

Dash yawned but smiled. “I think my biking day is going to be even better tomorrow.”

“I don’t doubt it, kiddo,” Mum said, kissing Dash's forehead. “Sweet dreams.”

And with that, Dash's eyes closed, dreaming of mountain trails, BMX jumps, and squirrels with giant acorns.


We Hope You And Your Little Rippers Enjoyed Our Bedtime Story